[Gambas-user] RC1 running, but screen geometry probs

Eilert eilert-sprachen at ...221...
Wed Oct 27 17:24:19 CEST 2004

Hi Benoit,

> Which window manager do you use ?


> Most window managers don't let the application freely choose the position and 
> or size of its windows. On KDE, I set the the following option in the control 
> center: Window behaviour -> Moving -> Placement = Random.

Here it was set to economical, but when I chang it to Random, nothing 
really is better.

> I will investigate this problem further.

Meanwhile, is it possible to get back to the previous version? Can I 
just "make install" from the older directory so I am sure I can work 
with the previous version, or would you dis...err what's the word (I've 
got a terrible headache this afternoon) you know what I mean...

I'll send you the screenshots by pm.


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