[Gambas-user] XML Reader patch

danielcampos at ...282... danielcampos at ...282...
Fri Nov 19 23:43:00 CET 2004

Oh, Well! I have to re-send this message using the web interface because smtp.tiscali.es is now in the "spamcop" list! What in the hell! these lists are there to help or to send more spam with "	Delivery Status Notifications"?

Well, here's the message:


XmlReader is based on the XmlTextReader class from libxml. The idea of
that class is to have a simple reader, wasting as few resources as
possible. So, it just reads from node to node, wasting no memory in a
buffer to allow "redwing"... in few words, you can only read forwards,
and you have to implement your own buffer if you need it. 

When I finish the "XmlDocument" and "XmlNode" classes, based on the tree
model, that stores the whole tree in memory, it will be possible to do
what you want, but I need time to write it:-)))


Daniel Campos

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