[Gambas-user] mandrake package status

Rob sourceforge-raindog2 at ...94...
Sat May 29 00:22:38 CEST 2004

I expect to get them done this weekend, but there are still a lot 
of hardcoded file locations (or more accurately, hardcoded 
subdirectories) that I need to deal with.  It is still looking 
for all the gambas components in 
/usr/lib/gambas-0.93b/lib/gambas, which I ended up symlinking to 
"./" to fix it, but now I find it's also looking for the 
documentation in /usr/lib/gambas-0.93b/share/gambas.  

I'm thinking that since everything is expected to be in 
$LIBDIR/gambas now, I should redo my specs to not create 
/usr/lib/gambas-$VERSION and just throw everything in 
/usr/lib/gambas, but I am not sure I will be able to make 
mandrake-compliant (as in, acceptable for contrib) that way.

But whatever, I do mean to have packages for Mandrake by the end 
of our long weekend even if I have to include patches to undo 
that /gambas/ change ;)


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