[Gambas-user] Linux files question and very of gambas topic

ron ronstk at ...239...
Sat Mar 13 19:46:27 CET 2004

On Saturday 13 March 2004 16:32, Laurent Godard wrote:
> Hi ron,

> why writing a loop ?
> I would have replace the loop by in single statement like
> cat /data/ham/amsat/received/*.bin > /data/ham/amsat/screen/rpack.bin
> do i miss something ?
> Laurent

I'm not shure but in my code the orginal must be deleted
and the amount of files is unknown.

At first view I say here is every file typed/copied to rpack.bin
and only the last one is in rpack.bin after finish instead appended.

For me it is already strange there is one '>' in this 2'th example, in dos the 
destination is replaced. Should it not be '>>' ? 
I did a try and it look to work as you suggested with one '>'.

With one rm *.bin it is then cleaned but in feature there must be done a few 
things with every file before the add is done so a loop is better at the 

My question what can be wrong for the error message
bash: .addfiles.sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied

I'm happy with this solutions given. Slowly I will learn working with bash.

Thanks very much

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