[Gambas-user] About kbasic

Radoslav Dejanović radoslav.dejanovic at ...116...
Mon Jun 14 19:07:07 CEST 2004

On Monday 14 June 2004 16:43, Eilert wrote:

> Some guys tried to continue, but nothing really happened until one day
> Bernd came up on the still existing mailing list with the news he had
> worked on the project all the time for himself and now planned to sell
> it "because he had worked so hard on it" and nobody had helped him
> anyway. Suddenly it appeared that a lot of people were still on the list
> and there was kinda protesting before he switched it off.
> stuff for commercial things, but someone should maybe discuss with him
> the name KBasic I think. All the K-stuff (as far as know) is open

Not just that. He's got no right to take other people's work licensed under 
the GNU GPL license and release it as a commercial product. He should 
either fork on your code to provide new parts written by himself that do 
not have GPL attached, or start writing things from the scratch. 
Now, I do not know all the facts, but if he really did work so hard on it 
and nobody helped him, he's got all rights to sell the software. However, 
if he is using any part of code developed by third party and released 
under GPL, he is certainly breaching the license. For one thing is sure - 
if you deliberately work on GPL code and then decide you'd like to try to 
get some money out of it, you can't just undo the license on the code (so 
you have to leave it open to anyone to fork on it and do what they want 
to), because once you GPL something, you can't so easily take it back. 
Other thing is that if he's using any part of the third party code in his 
commercial software, he has to pay royalties to that person(s) and still 
retain GPL as a license model for that piece of code.

Radoslav Dejanović
founder and director
Operacijski sustavi d.o.o.

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