[Gambas-user] Some bugs

Nigel Gerrard nigel at ...38...
Sun Jun 6 12:06:05 CEST 2004

On Saturday, June 05, 2004 1:28 PM  Jonas Baggett wrote:
> I found 2 bugs with the sqlite driver:
> 1) When I get some data from a database, sometimes the last 2 or 3
> characters of the data are replaced by a "X", "P" or "`". With 1 or 2
> refresh, the data becomes OK.

I have not seen this behaviour before.  Would it be a possible to have a
of your project to reproduce this error.

> 2) I made a database whose fields have the first character in uppercase,
> and when I execute a SQL request (SELECT ...) if I want to read what to
> read the result, I have to type TheResult["one_field"] rather than
> TheResult["One_field"]. If not there is this error: "Unknown field:
> One_field". I remember that I didn't have this bug with Gambas 0.92.
> I tried mysql, and I don't have this 2 bugs.

In both mysql and sqlite field names are infact case insensative, so these
fields are the
same.  I'm not sure why it would work in 0.92 and not in 0.93 as I don't
believe any
changes were applied to the database components between versions.   Saying
there is a possibility that there may be a similar problem to that posted a
couple of
days ago with regard to the mysql driver.

Please try the following update to the following file in the sqlite driver
directory and recompile:


line 519: if ((*fields_object)[i].props.name == fn )
to:         if (strcasecmp((*fields_object)[i].props.name.c_str(),fn) == 0)

Let me know how this goes and I'll get Benoit to correct.


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