[Gambas-user] Need to have blowfish en- and decryption
Volker Schmid
VSchmid at ...522...
Wed Jul 14 16:32:57 CEST 2004
Base 64 VB-Code:
Option Explicit
Private Const B64_RAW_CHAR_DICT =
Private Const B64_PAD_CHAR = "="
- --
'|| Procedure: Encode
'|| (
'|| TextStream As String
'|| ) As String
'|| Description: Base64 encodes input
'|| Notes: If an error occurs, the input string will be
'|| returned to the calling procedure. There is no
'|| other error handling.
- --
'|| Date Eng Ver Description
'|| 20000823 JKF 1.0 Initial version
- --
Public Function Encode( _
TextStream As String _
) As String
Dim intLoopA As Integer
Dim intLoopB As Integer
Dim bytArray() As Byte
Dim bitArray() As Boolean
Dim intPadFactor As Integer
Dim strBuffer As String
If Len(TextStream) = 0 Then Exit Function
'// Poor man's error handling. If anything bad happens, the
'|| will return the input string to the caller, signaling an
'|| This is a reliable method becuase successful encoding will
'|| result in Encode = TextStream
Encode = TextStream
'// Size the byte array to recieve the incoming text stream
ReDim bytArray(Len(TextStream) - 1)
'// Put incoming text stream into byte array
For intLoopA = 0 To UBound(bytArray)
bytArray(intLoopA) = CByte(Asc(Mid(TextStream, intLoopA +
'// Now build our bit array, one byte at a time
ReDim bitArray(((UBound(bytArray) + 1) * 8) - 1)
For intLoopA = 0 To UBound(bytArray)
For intLoopB = 7 To 0 Step -1
'// Do a most-to-least bitwise assignment into the bit
'|| from the current byte.
bitArray((intLoopA * 8) + (7 - intLoopB)) = _
CBool(((bytArray(intLoopA) And (2 ^ intLoopB)) > 0))
'// Check to make sure that the bitArray is integral number of
'|| parts.
intPadFactor = 0
Select Case ((UBound(bitArray) + 1) Mod 6)
'// N.B. There's no case else here. The value may be Mod 6 =
'|| in which case the final quantum of encoding input is an
'|| integral multiple of 24 bits. In this case, the final
'|| of encoded output will be an integral multiple of 4
'\\ with no "=" padding
Case 2
'// The final quantum of encoding input is exactly 8 bits
'|| In this case, the final unit of encoded output will
'|| two characters followed by two "=" padding
'|| Hence the bitArray must be padded with 4 zeros
'|| bb0000
ReDim Preserve bitArray(UBound(bitArray) + 4)
intPadFactor = 2
Case 4
'// The final quantum of encoding input is exactly 16
'|| In this case, the final unit of encoded output will
'|| three characters followed by one "=" padding
'|| Hence the bitArray must be padded with 2 zeros
'|| bbbb00
ReDim Preserve bitArray(UBound(bitArray) + 2)
intPadFactor = 1
End Select
'// Now we create a new output byte array composed of sextets
'|| from our bit array.
ReDim bytArray((UBound(bitArray) / 6) - 1)
For intLoopA = 0 To UBound(bytArray)
'// Assign the bit sextets into the six lowest bits of each
new byte
'|| resulting in 00bbbbbb, so that the range of possible
values is now
'|| 0 - 63 inclusive (or 64 discreet values.)
For intLoopB = 0 To 5
If bitArray((intLoopA * 6) + intLoopB) Then
bytArray(intLoopA) = (bytArray(intLoopA) Or 2 ^ (5 -
End If
'// Map the new byte values to the base64 character set
For intLoopA = 0 To UBound(bytArray)
strBuffer = strBuffer & Mid(B64_RAW_CHAR_DICT,
CLng(bytArray(intLoopA)) + 1, 1)
'// Pad if neccessary
strBuffer = strBuffer & String(intPadFactor, B64_PAD_CHAR)
Encode = strBuffer
End Function
- --
'|| Procedure: Decode
'|| (
'|| TextStream As String
'|| ) As String
'|| Description: Decodes Base64 input
'|| Notes: If an error occurs, the input string will be
'|| returned to the calling procedure. There is no
'|| other error handling.
- --
'|| Date Eng Ver Description
'|| 20000823 JKF 1.0 Initial version
- --
Public Function Decode(TextStream As String) As String
Dim intLoopA As Integer
Dim intLoopB As Integer
Dim intPadFactor As Integer
Dim bytArray() As Byte
Dim bitArray() As Boolean
Dim strBuffer As String
If (Len(TextStream) & "") = 0 Then Exit Function
'// Poor man's error handling. If anything bad happens, the
'|| will return the input string to the caller, signaling an
'|| This is a reliable method becuase successful decoding will
'|| result in Decode = TextStream
Decode = TextStream
'// Validate input as Base64 encoded text stream
For intLoopA = 1 To Len(TextStream)
'// Does TextStream conatain any invalid (i.e. non-Base64)
'|| either encodings or pad ("=" equals sign)?
If (InStr(1, B64_RAW_CHAR_DICT, Mid(TextStream, intLoopA, 1),
vbBinaryCompare) = 0) And _
(Mid(TextStream, intLoopA, 1) <> B64_PAD_CHAR) Then
Decode = TextStream
Exit Function
End If
'// Determine the 'pad factor'. Will be 0,1 or 2 equals ("=")
signs tacked onto
'|| the end of the Base64 encoded text stream. So we have one of
the following
'|| three possibilities as the last two characters at the end of
the stream:
'|| "XX" = 0 pad factor (where the Xs are normal, valid
Base64 characters)
'|| "X=" = 1 pad factor (the X is a normal, valid Base64
'|| "==" = 2 pad factor
'|| The padding does not decode, but simply acts as a flag to
indicate that the
'|| final quantum of the Base64 binary stream was not an intergal
multiple of 24
'|| bits (pad factor 0) but instead was either exactly 8 or 16
bits (pad factor
'|| 2 or 1 respectively) to which we appended the correct number
of zeros to complete
'|| the 24 bit quantum. The pad factor just lets us know how
many zeros to strip
'|| off the end of the resolved binary stream (because they're
'|| I'll leave it up to you to explore the technique I'm using
here to do the work
'|| in a single line of code (who says VB can't be elegant?!)
intPadFactor = ((CByte(InStr(1, Right(TextStream, 2),
B64_PAD_CHAR, vbBinaryCompare)) And (2 ^ 0)) * 2) + _
((CByte(InStr(1, Right(TextStream, 2), B64_PAD_CHAR,
vbBinaryCompare)) And (2 ^ 1)) / 2)
'// Strip any pad characters
TextStream = Mid(TextStream, 1, Len(TextStream) - intPadFactor)
'// "Unmap" the TextStream from the Base64 encodings into a byte
ReDim bytArray(Len(TextStream) - 1)
For intLoopA = 0 To UBound(bytArray)
bytArray(intLoopA) = CByte(InStr(1, B64_RAW_CHAR_DICT,
Mid(TextStream, intLoopA + 1, 1), vbBinaryCompare) - 1)
'// Now build our bit array, one "six-bit byte" at a time
ReDim bitArray(((UBound(bytArray) + 1) * 6) - 1)
For intLoopA = 0 To UBound(bytArray)
For intLoopB = 5 To 0 Step -1
'// Do a most-to-least bitwise assignment into the six
'|| right-hand bits from the current byte.
bitArray((intLoopA * 6) + (5 - intLoopB)) = _
CBool(((bytArray(intLoopA) And (2 ^ intLoopB)) > 0))
'// Remove zero padding
ReDim Preserve bitArray(UBound(bitArray) - (intPadFactor * 2))
'// Load the bit array into the byte array
ReDim bytArray((UBound(bitArray) / 8) - 1)
For intLoopA = 0 To UBound(bytArray)
'// Set the appropriate bits in each byte
For intLoopB = 0 To 7
If bitArray(intLoopA * 8 + intLoopB) Then
bytArray(intLoopA) = (bytArray(intLoopA) Or 2 ^ (7 -
End If
'// Load the bytes into the output string
For intLoopA = 0 To UBound(bytArray)
strBuffer = strBuffer & Chr(CLng(bytArray(intLoopA)))
Decode = strBuffer
End Function
> Where can I find the Base64 VB stuff. I'll work at
> cuttting it over.
> Also the blowfish site has sample C code. Couldn't we
> cut and paste a lot of that into a gambas component?
> Like gambas-crypto or something. I was thinking the
> components were in C.
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