[Gambas-user] About workspace and MDI applications

Rizky Tahara Shita rizky at ...225...
Tue Jul 6 10:03:23 CEST 2004

At 13:30 06/07/2004, Budi Arief Gusandi wrote:
>I actually never use that workspace control anyway. Eventho i expect that
>gambas will be in MDI style, just like QTDesigner.
>BTW Guys..for DB manager, i've made a front-end application just like
>MySQLFront (in windows), but it still the interface, since i still got no
>time to go on it for now. Any wanna see and finish it .. LOL.

ask benoit for the code about program like mysqlfront that i already worked 
with gambas..
but not finished.. :( (too bad on me)

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