[Gambas-user] docs: good news, bad news

Rob sourceforge-raindog2 at ...94...
Thu Jan 15 07:49:21 CET 2004

The good news is, it didn't take much cleanup to get the new 
component documentation in place.  There were a lot of redundant 
files due to some renaming we did in the last iteration, but I 
wrote a little perl script (of course) to move them out of the 
way, and things are a little faster now (faster than GambasTest 
was, anyway. :) )

The bad news is, so much has been added to Gambas since the old 
component documentation was last worked on that instead of about 
300 symbols marked as "Not documented", now there are over 1100!  
Please, anyone who has time, especially those who are wondering 
how to contribute to Gambas development but don't know how to 
write C/C++ code, have a look here:


All the pages listed there are undocumented currently (it's a 
search feature so it will update automatically.)  Even a 
one-line summary of what each symbol does would be a great help, 
though of course working example code would be even better.  
Please also be sure to read Benoit's tips on writing 
documentation, in the middle of:


And if you haven't got access to edit the wiki, just go here:


It's free obviously, and I don't care if you use a fake email, it 
only matters if you lose your password or something.

Also, be aware that any changes made to a newly exported page may 
need to be saved twice due to the way the RCS versioning system 
works.  I have been trying for months to get the initial 
check-in to be automatic but it just doesn't seem to work!  

Thanks to anyone who can do this!


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