[Gambas-user] gambas 0.90

Radoslav Dejanovic radoslav.dejanovic at ...371...
Thu Feb 26 10:07:58 CET 2004

On Čet, 2004-02-26 at 09:17, Daniel Oxley wrote:
> One question.  Why the jump from v0.84 to v0.90?

Perhaps Benoit is eager to get to 1.0 as soon as possible... :))

That reminds me of the days of pre1.0 Linux kernel... It was qute nice
seeing all those kernel versions. It took more than one year to go from
0.99 to 0.99.15j (and then finally to pre-1.0). It was really confusing
to keep in sync with all that alphabet, but since the changes in letters
were mostly significant (even for x86 architecture), most people wanted
to upgrade.

We are about to see Gambas 0.99, then 0.99a, then 0.99b, but I bet
Benoit will get frustrated well before the version j and decide to scrap
the project and go to Microsoft to develop in C#... :))

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