[Gambas-user] a changed Gambas database manager

Charlie Reinl Karl.Reinl at ...9...
Fri Apr 2 23:10:48 CEST 2004


send you my new version of the gdbm.

What dit I change: see included Changelog

It should on 'SQL request' you help to create 
	a Query to the choosen Table.
	offer your the possibility to change a saved Query-String.

On the Form you have 3 Tabs 
- Build 
where you can add Fields whitch can be shown or not,  have Where and OR 
contitions and an Alias

- SQL  
where you have the possibility to 'fine tune'  your Query, load and save the 
Query ( SELECT statements only)	.

- Execute
shows you the results of your Query, if all is well done!

Apart FRequest I made changes, in  CConnection.class and FMain.class but only 
to pass the sKEY to FReques. In that way I can open the chosen Table if  'SQL 
request' is used on a Table ( see Changlog ).

My Changes use are made on the original Gambas database manager from Benoit, 
and by that fact it returns to the GPL used by gambas.

I mostly tested with MYSQL Database.

If you have problems or ideas , let me know.

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