[Gambas-user] about process

Edward Hsu edward_cjhsu at ...253...
Sat Nov 29 02:10:48 CET 2003

Dear Benoit,

I wrote a front end for mplayer and it shows the
current time of playing and total time for current
song. It works fine on Gambas 0.70b, but doesn't work
after that version because after 0.70b we cannot have 

EXEC["mplayer","-slave",$sPath] FOR READ WRITE AS

As we know that READ option should not be used.
Without that option we cannot use Process_Read to read
the current time and total time. I enclose my simple
program for you to debug. The program is working fine
for music only, the current time is not right for
video yet. And You can click on the progress bar to
move to any position of your song.



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