[Gambas-user] Lectures in marketing

Ahmad Kamal eng_ak at ...200...
Thu Nov 20 08:45:34 CET 2003

I agree but still, now at ver 0.71, we're not so far from ver 1.0 :) And 
I think Gambas, is in a good shape now. We shouldn't be shy to show it 
to everyone.
Also, GB is being developed slowly IMHO, as Benoit doesn't have much 
time, a review at a website, would atrract hundreds of devs which may 
helps us develop GB at a higher rate! And once it makes it to fedora, or 
other major distros, the flood will begin :)


Rob wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 November 2003 11:48, Radoslav Dejanoviو wrote:
>>Get more people. Get a lot of them and you'll see that this
>>will raise the speed of development, and quality of the
>>product as well. ;)
> I actually agree with Benoit.  I promote Gambas everywhere I go 
> via word of mouth, but I don't think a coordinated "marketing 
> campaign" is warranted until the language is a little more "set 
> in stone" and version 1.0 is released.
> Yes, we all know it's ready for prime time now, but you'd be 
> amazed at the number of people who hear about NiftyWare 0.8 and 
> go "Huh, that's cool, I'll have to remember to go back and look 
> in a year to see if they've hit 1.0" and then never do.  
> Especially among the corporate IT people to whom Gambas will 
> hold the most appeal.
> Rob
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