[Gambas-user] Network documentation

danielcampos at ...282... danielcampos at ...282...
Thu Nov 6 17:40:22 CET 2003

Hi all, specially documentation mantainers: 
 As soon "net" component will part of Gambas, I send you 
documentation I've written describing the following 
* SerialPort 
* ServerSocket 
* ClientSocket 
* Datagram 
* DataPacket 
* DnsClient 
 I would be great if we could have it placed in Binara with all the 
rest of component documentation the day 0.72 release will born, 
"connected to the web" : ) .  
 I just have to finish HttpClient and its documentation, I'll try to  
send it to you this week-end. 
Best regards, 
Daniel Campos 

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