[Gambas-user] gentoo and gambas

Rob sourceforge-raindog2 at ...94...
Sun May 18 19:23:35 CEST 2003

On Sunday 18 May 2003 11:57, Jean-Francois Perreault wrote:
> search for a lindows question and answer article the guy mention gambas
> as the visual basic replacement for linux

For some reason it doesn't show up in slashdot's search engine, but here it 


He mentions Gambas in his response to question #2.  The only discussion of it 
after that was in an anonymous comment modded down to -1 suggesting HBasic 
instead of Gambas and trashing Lindows in general.

I would expect Gambas will get a slashdot story to itself (and a lot of 
controversy from l33t-ass armchair programmers) whenever it gets to 1.0 
though.  The same would be true of HBasic.  Anything that lets normal people 
be productive is going to polarize us nerds.


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