[Gambas-user] gambas 0.60

Dimitri Bellini dimitribellini at ...69...
Thu Jun 26 13:37:58 CEST 2003

Thanks Benoit
	for your great and fast work. 

On Wednesday 25 June 2003 22:06, Benoit Minisini wrote:
> Hi people,
> gambas 0.60 is out. You can download it on the web site.
> Here are the changes :
> - The IDE component explorer has been replaced by an help browser based on
>   the Gambas Wiki made by Rob.
> - The internal component management has been rewritten. Every component
>   information is stored into a text file named 'components' located
>   by default in /opt/gambas/lib. This text file contains component
>   names that can be translated.
> - Logically, SuSE 8.2 users are not obliged to create a symbolic link
>   on libqt-mt.so.3 anymore. They just have to pass "--with-qt-libraries=
>   /usr/lib" to the ./configure script. Tell me if it works.
> - Files can be watched like Processes. Be careful, this implies a p-code
>   incompatibility : older projects that use the OPEN keyword must be
>   recompiled.
> Here is an example of how to watch a serial port :
> '-------------------------
> ' Gambas module
> PRIVATE hPort AS File
>   OPEN "/dev/ttyS0" FOR READ WRITE WATCH AS #hPort
> PUBLIC SUB File_Read()
>   DIM iByte AS Byte
>   PRINT "I can read at least one byte on the port"
>   READ #hPort, iByte
>   PRINT iByte
> PUBLIC SUB File_Write()
>   PRINT "I can write on the port"
>   WRITE #hPort, 42
> '-------------------------
> Enjoy it.

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