[Gambas-user] RedHat 9 , gambas and Qt.
karl.reinl at ...9...
Sun Dec 28 17:27:05 CET 2003
for a diffent propose I installed a RedHat 9, but allways had a look to
I also tried to install gambas, in this case Gambas-0.74
If got like all of you the well known Error:
usr/bin/gbx: relocation error: /usr/lib/qt-3.1/lib/libqt-mt.so.3:
undefined symbol: _ZNSs4_Rep11_S_terminalE
But if got it to run:
- RedHat 9 (Shrike) use qt-3.1.1
- so I'v got first qt-3.3.0b1 the latest source from Trolltech
I was able to make a running gambas without the 'undefined symbol:
- BUT ran in big troubles with KDE.
- Now I toke a older Qt version, but newer then qt-3.1.1 from RedHat 9.
I toke qt-3.1.2
- After unpacking, and renaming to qt-3.1.2 in /usr/lib
- I made a symlink, named qt3 which points to /usr/lib/qt-3.1.1 , placed
in /usr/lib
In /usr/lib type 'ln -s qt-3.1.2 qt3'
This I dit to be able to change easier, without logging off/on.
Befor compiling this version I tried to do like Trolltech say in INSTALL.
I created a .profile (I use the bash as shell) with all the env-variables.
But that ditn't work, because RedHad 9 ditn't use it or to late.
I had to change that in:
/etc/profile.d/qt.sh (if your shell is bash, ksh, zsh or sh)
# Qt initialization script (sh)
if [ -z "$QTDIR" ] ; then
# QTDIR="/usr/lib/qt-3.1"
# I point to symlink qt3
not in .profile like in qt - INSTALL (if your shell is bash, ksh, zsh or sh)
or in /etc/profile.d/qt.csh (in case your shell is csh or tcsh)
# Qt initialization script (csh)
if ( $?QTDIR ) then
#setenv QTDIR /usr/lib/qt-3.1
# I point to symlink qt3
setenv QTDIR /usr/lib/qt3
setenv PATH $QTDIR/bin:$PATH
setenv MANPATH $QTDIR/doc/man:$MANPATH
not in .login like in qt - INSTALL (in case your shell is csh or tcsh)
--- This one is NOT tested by me ( I use bash)
then, you will need to login again
Now you have to run ./configure and gmake ( or make)in /usr/lib/qt-3.1.2.
Read after ./configure the output, if you need to run ./configure -thread
After a successful gmake/make,
return to your gambas Dir, and if you have had a go.
Start './reconf' and 'make clean'
Now do the 3 './configure' , 'make' and 'make install' as root
Some of this actions has to done by 'root'.
Gambas starts now and I could open examples and run then, KDE ditn't
show problems.
But I dit NOT go for long time testing.
Hope that helps all RedHat 9 users.
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