No subject
Thu Oct 26 18:16:52 CEST 2017
'Voorgrond naar achtergrond' is what I belive is the meaning here(deepnes).
'Voor- naar achter-grond' is the right shorten form for good Dutch or
'Voor naar achtergrond' as relaxed but improper way
'Naar achtergrond' is the one I chose, in English 'To background'
The point is I do not know if it is a button, or menu entry and the space
it has. It is in the FForm.class file and I can't open it if the translate=
form is open to look in what context it is used. See following interview.
from interview with Rinse de Vries (
- What are the problems you encounter while translating?
There are 3 issues I have to deal with:=20
1) Should the string be translated or not - The Dutch language is lending a=
lot of foreign=20
computer words. If we translate too much English terms, we could scare aw=
ay the advanced=20
users, but if we translate too little computer terms, the newbe would not=
understand them.=20
2) In which context is the message used- some messages can be translated in=
5 ways,=20
depending on its context. To deal with this, I try to determine the conte=
xt by=20
reading the other messages around it, or by checking the German translati=
3) Conflicting accelerators. - this is the hardest one, it is not easy to a=
void conflicts=20
between accelerators. Most of the time I can solve this by reading surrou=
nding messages,=20
but sometimes the messages don't look related in the po-file, while in th=
e real world,=20
they are used in the same menu/dialog box...=20
He is exactly telling the problems I find during the translating job ATM.
He give a hint that grouping of the parts to translate that are in the same=
in this case will help for the translating and accelerators keys.
I have written an email to Fabrice Mous who has done this job in the past
to get info if he still do this or give up and where to find appropriate he=
I give up to get it working. My last try was as follows:
Start new shell and type
made a clean directory with the 0.99RC1 unpacked
no changes from me , just plain as the file is.
made a script as follows
export RC_ALL
export RC_LANG
export LC_LANG
export LC_ALL
export LC_CTYPE
#make clean
make install
# end script
env | grep LANG tell me RC_LANG=3Dnl_NL
Did run the script.
gambas is called from the script to and should get nl_NL
Gambas is telling me system.language=3Den_US
I get also with verify in the translate form
'Translated string symbols do not match untranslated string ones.'
No idea what that means, no hint for the first one that does not match
to take care off.
Please where and when is the IDE told to run in the language set and by=20
what variable!!!!=20
If I have to send in the po file then I have to wait to the next=20
release to see it is done the right way.=20
I need simple direct preview to prevent that loss of time else=20
I'm afraid it will be gambas version 2.99a till is is correct :(
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