[Gambas-devel] Invader example does not work

Benoît Minisini gambas at ...1...
Sun May 12 16:30:12 CEST 2013

Le 12/05/2013 16:27, Benoît Minisini a écrit :
> Le 12/05/2013 16:04, Tobias Boege a écrit :
>> On Sun, 12 May 2013, Beno?t Minisini wrote:
>>> Hi Tobias,
>>> I tried the Invader example, but it does not seem to work. I see
>>> mainly rubbish in the terminal.
>>> --
>>> Beno?t Minisini
>> Yeah, I should explain:
>> There are currently no levels or anything. You are prompted with
>> approx. 1/3
>> of the screen full of enemies - and must survive! This is what you see at
>> the top. You have a rather huge screen, sorry for that :-)
>> I used an 80*24 terminal to test. This shows that there is, as for Pong,
>> some formula needed that involves both: height and width of a terminal to
>> caluclate enemy positions and amount...
>> As for the asterisks: red and magenta enemies are Borg. They are able to
>> shoot on you with green asterisks. The chance they do is 1/2000th with
>> every
>> move[0].
>>> From the picture, I can tell that the game functions quite like I
>>> wrote it.
>> It's only that I wrote it badly :-) To test it, you should for now set
>> the
>> environment variables LINES and COLUMNS to 24 resp. 80 before starting
>> the
>> program. This makes ncurses pretend it runs in such a terminal.

I set the variables, but it's still buggy. Enemies sometimes don't move 
correctly... They jump to a position instead.

Benoît Minisini

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