[Gambas-devel] gb3 editor anomalies - a possible explanation

Kadaitcha Man nospam.nospam.nospam at ...176...
Fri Jan 8 23:09:13 CET 2010

2010/1/9 richard terry <rterry at ...627...>:
> On Friday 08 January 2010 21:06:00 Kadaitcha Man wrote:
>> Unfortunately I can't provide you with an example that reproduces
>> these problems because they occur in the IDE editor when editing code
>> and they appear to be random.
>> spurious1.png, spurious2.png, and spurious3.png all show extraneous
>> text that did not exist in the code until I pasted text elsewhere into
>> the editor. I am convinced that in all cases and without exception,
>> the Find/Replace window has been visible, as shown in spurious4.png,
>> however I cannot tie this issue down.
>> In spurious3.png, the code marked in red had a line exactly like those
>> two marked in blue. The code read like this:
>> Case mConst.QH_REPLYTO_MID
>> However some unknown action caused the above to be replaced with the
>> text shown in the image (spurious3.png). I did not make the
> changesrterry at ...627...
>> shown in any of the images. As I said, in all cases where this has
>> happened, the Find/Replace window has been visible. That is the only
>> thing I can point to as consistent with this issue occurring.
>> There are also other anomalies in the gb3 editor. I like to use the
>> vertical split view when tracing a code problem but I cannot use it
>> because the text in the lower half of the split view gets horribly
>> confused. It's as if there are hidden backspace characters in the text
>> so that when you cursor right, the insertion point goes left.
>> I have witnessed these behaviours in three clean installs of Ubuntu
>> 9.10 with qt4 installed, and in Linux UE 2.5. As with the first
>> problem, I can offer no definitive examples to reproduce this issue.
>> Since I can't reproduce the problem this is a heads up for you to
>> alert you that something isn't right.
> How about his as a explanation. On my linux the mouse scroll button is also a
> paste button.
> I've noticed that if I use the scroll bar on the mouse to scroll down the
> gambas IDE, then sometimes I get large numbers of 'pasting' into my code just
> like your pictures (ie I put too much pressure on the mouse wheel).
> I reckon its the fact that depressioning the middle mouse button is a paste
> action.
> I just scroll using the scroll bars and it dosn't happen.

I don't paste using the mouse, only the kbd.

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