[Gambas-devel] gb3, qt4, Ubuntu 9.10 ---> Environment issue or bug?

Fabien Bodard gambas.fr at ...176...
Thu Dec 31 11:28:20 CET 2009

2009/12/31 Kadaitcha Man <nospam.nospam.nospam at ...176...>:
> Ok, it seems to me that every single display issue I've had has been
> put down to running qt4 on a GTK+ system, so I'm happy to accept that
> this current issue is also due to a dodgy environment.
> The TextEdit control always, without fail, wraps text and never
> displays the horizontal scrollbar.
> I have read the documentation and there is nothing there that suggests
> a wrap property.
> So, am I doing something wrong, is it an environment problem, or is it
> a bug? Ok, ok, I can cope with being told my HTML tags suck too :)
> Image attached to avoid the need to view the code. I have tried other
> combinations of HTML tags that are too numerous to list here, and not
> one of them causes the horizontal scrollbar to show nor do any of them
> cause the text to not wrap; in all cases, the text wraps. No text wrap
> and a horizontal scrollbar showing is my goal here.
> I've checked and checked and checked. I can see nothing that will stop
> the wrapping. I have even replaced every single space with   and
> still the text wraps.
> Here is the full code for the problem reproduction, which is also attached:
> Private Const SOME_TEXT As String = "Quick brown dogs jump over the
> lazy fox. The jay, pig, Quick wafting zephyrs vex bold Jim. Quick
> zephyrs blow, vexing daft Jim. quick jump. Joaquin Phoenix was gazed
> by MTV for luck. A wizard's job is to vex chumps quickl"
> Public Sub _new()
> End
> Public Sub Form_Open()
>  TextEdit1.RichText = "<font color=#" & Hex(4367212) & ">" &
> SOME_TEXT & "</font><br></br>"
>  TextEdit2.Text = SOME_TEXT
>  TextEdit3.RichText = "<p><font color=#" & Hex(4367212) & ">" &
> SOME_TEXT & "</font></p>"
>  TextEdit4.Text = SOME_TEXT
>  TextEdit4.SelectAll()
>  TextEdit4.Format.Color = 4367212
>  TextEdit4.Unselect()
> End
> Oh, and while I'm at it, TextEdit.Format.Font on a selection blows up
> with a SIG 11, but that's not an issue for me because I have decided
> that the TextEdit control will have one single font and size. Still,
> it may need looking at.
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I've the soluce :)



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