[Gambas-devel] gb3 and Message.Question issue

Kadaitcha Man nospam.nospam.nospam at ...176...
Wed Dec 30 05:38:56 CET 2009


Is this right? See attached picture Screenshot.png.

Using this code:

  Dim r As Integer
  r = Message.Question("Delete the Identity labelled '" &
txtIdentitiesLabel.Text & "'. Are you sure?", "Yes", "No", "Maybe")

The buttons are arse-about-face. If I specify the text of Button1, as
above, to be "Yes", then I expect button 1 to be on the left, not on
the far right as if I were reading in, perhaps, Chinese.

The documentation states:

STATIC FUNCTION Question ( Message AS String [ , Button1 AS String,
Button2 AS String, Button3 AS String ] ) AS Integer

So, in the documentation the order of buttons is, from the left,
Button1, Button2, Button3, but when the dialog is displayed, the order
of buttons is Button3, Button2, Button1.

Also, my opinion is that the Yes and No buttons should not ever
display a shortcut key underscore unless I specify an ampersand in the
text for the button myself. but that's just my opinion.

And the problem gets worse. See attached picture Screenshot-2.png. If
I use this code:

  Dim r As Integer
  r = Message.Question("Delete the Identity labelled '" &
txtIdentitiesLabel.Text & "'. Are you sure?", "Aye!", "Nay!", "Maybe")

The buttons are in a different order again.

I can work around this by creating my own Yes/No dialog but I shouldn't have to.

Let me know if the Message object is written in Gambas itself and I'll
see if I can come up with something better.
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