[Gambas-devel] Translations for Gambas3

Benoit Minisini gambas at ...1...
Sun May 11 12:58:25 CEST 2008

On dimanche 11 mai 2008, David Villalobos Cambronero wrote:
> Hi, OK here it is:
> Usually I try to find some new strings to be
> translated in the Gambas 3 IDE
> (../trunk/app/src/gambas3), the project opens OK but
> when I go to the menu: Project/Translate, to
> translate, the FTranslate form just doesn't open. In
> the status bar appears a message: “compiling project
> gambas3...” and that's all.
> But if I save the Gambas 3 IDE in another place, for
> example my /home directory, then the  FTranslate
> windows opens.
> The problem is that Translate Dialog doesn't appears
> when I'm working in the /src directory, but if I'm
> working in other one then the dialog appears.
> Here's why (I found the error, but no sure if it is
> mine):
> In the source directory (../trunk/app/src/gambas3) the
> file: “.startup” file belongs to root, as well as the
> group, that's why “If Project.Compile() Then Return
> (Fmain:614)” returns true and the FTranslate window
> never opens.
> And when I save the project in another place, the
> file: “.startup” belongs to the current user, and then
> everything goes fine.
> Now I have tow problems:
> 1 Why this file belongs to root if I download the
> sources from svn repository as normal user?
> 2 I never see the error message: “gbc: ERROR: Cannot
> create .startup file”. I'm supposed to see it just in
> debug mode or it should appear in the status bar?
> Can someone help please?
> Best regards...
> David

You found the trick.

During the "make install" process, all Gambas projects located in the sources 
are compiled, and so their .startup files are created as root.

The other problem is that you don't get the error message from the IDE, which 
is a shame.

Note that the compiler generate other files, so your problems exists for other 
part of the IDE. 

This is actually a design flaw in the build process. Gambas projects should be 
compiled during the "make" step, not the "make install". But this is 
impossible at the moment as the compilation of Gambas projects need the 
libraries installed during "make install". This is a chicken-egg story...

I have no real solution at the moment.

Maybe just make the project read-only when .startup is detected as non 

Benoit Minisini

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