[Gambas-devel] component API and miscellany

Christopher Brian Jack brian at ...418...
Sun Jan 29 14:33:16 CET 2006

On Sun, 29 Jan 2006, Laurent Carlier wrote:

> I guess perhaps i should add yuv overlay support to sdl componant .... I know
> sdl support overlay surfaces but i don't know really how it work :-/
> But i can be a pretty good idea to support these.

On my system in particular there does not seem to be a symmetry between
SDL supporting overlays and the X environment support of XVidix/XVideo.
I'm going by my experience with MPlayer but what gets me is that the
XVideo/XVidix documentation is difficult to find.  I'm wondering where the
MPlayer folks found it?

My preference is for an independant XVidix/XVideo component since it will
interoperate with either of the selected Form interfaces (Qt vs. Gtk) and
that SDL does not provide the ability to use forms if used for anything
more than sound support.

On this note I still would like to see a "Hello, World!" component stub
with instructions to get the Gambas build to compile it and make the
exported class available.  This simplest component I can think of would
make a HelloWorld class with a single method hello() (AS String) that
would return the text "Hello, World!"  I think this would be a useful stub
for potential component builders to see what is involved.

|  Christopher BRIAN Jack aka "Gau of the Veldt"  |
| brian _AT_ brians-anime _DOT_ com
| brian _AT_ animemayhem _DOT_ com
| brian _AT_ nall.brians-anime _DOT_ com
| brian _AT_ ruby.brians-anime _DOT_ com
| gau_veldt _AT_ hotmail _DOT_ com
Hi Spambots, my email address is sputnik at ...418...

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