[Gambas-devel] Re: [Gambas-user] Re: BIG BUG in gb 1.9.19

danielcampos at ...45... danielcampos at ...45...
Fri Sep 2 12:38:29 CEST 2005

Hi all:

I recommend to not use Gambas-1.9.19, the IDE is absolutely broken, even using Fabien's patch. Keep Gambas-1.9.18 in safe place!

I think it is moment to stop that run to nowhere at full speed, and leave time to fix all that is done in developement version. It is full of bugs, and each time it is more difficult to collaborate in the project with that continous changes without having any tool like cvs or subversion. No way to continue improving things in that way, I can not guess every time what will be the next change that will break all! :-((


Daniel Campos 

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