[Gambas-devel] Support of LONG in database drivers

Daniel daniel at ...318...
Thu Nov 17 23:50:58 CET 2005

Benoit Minisini wrote:

>This message is mainly for Nigel Gerrard, Andrea Bortolan, and Daniel 
>but-what-is-his-name :-)
my name is nobody ! what I forgot to give it to you  :)

>I have just inserted support for LONG (64 bits integer) datatype in the mysql 
>and postgresql drivers.
>It is less evident for me to do that in the other database drivers...
>Nigel: Can you add it to the sqlite and sqlite3 driver?
>Andrea: Same request for the ODBC driver?
>Daniel: idem for the firebird driver - But you can do what you want, as I 
>can't merge it into the main source tree at the moment...
>Anyway there is no hurry. 
>Ask me any question about that if you need of course...
>Thanks in advance,
ok the code for firebird is in attachment

daniel  (nobody)

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