[Gambas-devel] Windows stuff (The screenshots)

Brandon Bergren bdragon at ...185...
Fri Mar 11 03:11:41 CET 2005

Here's some screenshots.
With captions, even!




The filebrowser uses Windows paths. Loading works OK, but saving doesn't, 



This shows the font browser.



I opened a file successfully.



Simple Image Viewer kinda works. I can't load a picture properly (green 
background), but the confetti works.  It disappears when the window is 
covered and exposed again, though.  Is this normal?



Blinkenlights works wonderfully. The custom icon even works.



DnsClient kinda works. Async mode doesn't work that hot, though.


And that's it for this round of screenshots.  I only have 100M of 
bandwidth/day, so don't slashdot it or anything ;P


The white window with the green, yellow, and black text is an rxvt 
console. It currently has a really weird path set, so that everything gets 
found in the right order. (PATH == LD_LIBRARY_PATH on windows.)

The Dev-C++ window in the background has the project I used to compile the 

The white and green text on black background windows in some of the shots 
are copies of Putty connecting to the SSH server running in the 

All that TRY_DLOPEN cruft in some of the consoles is left over from when I 
was debugging an error in libltdl.

"sf_bbergren at ...187..." is the current windows user. (domain user)
"iggy at ...187..." is another user account. (localmachine user)

D:\ has a netbsd install cd in it.
Z:\ is a Daemon Tools virtual drive.



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