[Gambas-devel] sdl-cdrom component for gambas 1.0.1

Laurent Carlier lordheavy at ...141...
Wed Jan 12 18:51:39 CET 2005

Le Mercredi 12 Janvier 2005 15:45, Benoit Minisini a écrit :
> I said put cdrom in gb.sdl component, NOT gb.sdl.sound !! gb.sdl.sound
> needs SDL_mixer library !

Don't put this one in 1.9.2, i know what you said before ! This one is ONLY 
for 1.0.1 release of Gambas !, not for 1.9.1, so users can test cdrom without 
installing 1.9.1 !

> Please send your sources once a day, it's sufficient, and I can make release 
> without receiving three updates during the build :-)

Sorry for sapmming :) I promise to be nicer later :) yes, three "updates" a 
day is too much !

Do you made the mix of cdrom into gb.sdl or does i make it ?



Laurent Carlier

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