[Gambas-devel] DBReport alpha version 0.0.3

Christian Faure christian.faurebouvard at ...156...
Fri Jan 7 22:15:12 CET 2005

El Viernes, 7 de Enero de 2005 13:09, Charlie escribió:
> Christian Faure schrieb:
>  >------------------------ snip ------------------
>  >Please, if you have time, test it.
> Salut Christian,
Salut Charlie!
Very thanks for your report, time (and pacience...)

> this is realy a good piece of Software.
> I only had a short go, but I was impressed by it.

wow! Thanks! :-)

> Here my report:
> But a handbook is needed I think to use the Designer.

Sure, in ToDo list!
The problem: i can read French, English and Spanish, But i write only in 
Spanish!, the standard is English...

> For Database Connection mask, the 'Drop' button should be named 'Aboard'
> during
> creation of a connection, that is more clear, no !

Ok (or Delete connection ?)

> It would be helpfull to use a OpenDialog to determine the target for
> sqlite.

Ok, in ToDo list!

> And dit you think about, for use from other Software to print or show
> results, not using the Viewer?

Yes, it is possible now:
1. Create an executable for the viewer (very important to not modify suggested 
name and directory)
2. Now, in the designer you can open an example, then press "Preview" buton, 
then you see the preview into the designer, same way for merging in another 

Somes details:
For them, i use the "USE" keyword (deprecated..)
Both, the application and the viewer must by in separated directory, below the 
same directory (src):
for example:
Another restriction: the name of classes in viewer must be unique. 

in your app you need code like this:

SUB Preview()
  USE "DBReportViewer"

> Here I send you a Report which crashes (DBReportDesigner-0.0.3 and
> DBReportViewer-0.0.3).

Thanks,... i will check... 

>   - I started with a new report, made a Connnection, said 'create report
> sections',
> then I deleted all the sections and made this report.

yes, but you can create a new section using "Create Section" from toolbar,
i need to limit saving of empty report

> It was poss. to have all section as report.header(DBReportDesigner-0.0.3).

Yes, but no reason for report.header,  for others (ex: page.header), in the 
future i want add a "Visible" property for section to hide or show sections, 
based on some runtime expresion.

> How can I leaf the execute-box (DBReportDesigner-0.0.3)?

I need to document the API,
The execute box allow report commands like macros, 
for implementation of wizards, styles, etc.
Now, the xml report file are translated by "xml2macro.xslt" to macro commands, 
then executed, so, using Execute, you can do a complete report creation.

> How delete a Param no more needed.(DBReportDesigner-0.0.3)?

BUG - No way from IDE, :-(
edit the xml file and delete them

>   Amicalment
> Charlie

Very thanks.

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