[Gambas-devel] Translating missing

Ron Onstenk ronstk at ...124...
Mon Nov 8 09:20:39 CET 2004

In the form FSupSselector the upper right buttons has a English text 
and are not in the translate list.

Private function CopyDir()

2x Message.Warning((Error.Text & "\nI can't copy the file : \n" & sDir))

are also not in the list, maybe it must be

   Message.Warning(Error.Text & ("\nI can't copy the file : \n") & sDir)

It is done this way in Project.module->Function NewProject()

And should there not be a list with those Error.Text to translate ?

Make a new project
Durrig Select a map for the project.
In (FSupSelector?) the file list is not grouped for directories/files ?

By make executable the filter is on *.tar.gz after once a
source archive is made and sticks on it.

When during Make Executable a new directory is made and I point on it.
With right mouse button a menu occurs.
The entry 'delete' ask confirm in English. Can't find for translating.

Arg, this one is in the Dialog control.


grtz Ron

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