[Gambas-devel] Re: Gambas

Benoit Minisini gambas at ...1...
Sun Jul 11 16:26:30 CEST 2004


Sorry for my late answer!

On Thursday 24 June 2004 12:57, you wrote:
> > > I want to port ASP to the GNU/Linux (and Unix) system and I will use
> > > your Virtual Machine/Interpreter.
> >
> > Why porting ASP to GNU/Linux ? Why not making something less stupid and
> > more powerful ?
> Ok, I want to "port" ASP but making it more powerfull, not just port. I
> will port and I will make more efficient (and less stupid XD )
> > > How can I do it?
> >
> > I don't know. First, you should write an Apache module than can send a
> > dynamic page to the Gambas interpreter and get the result.
> First? First I need to create a simple program that can parse the ASP
> source and makes calls to the Gambas interpreter, but I need to embed
> it. How? I don't known. I found in the gambas web site a note such as :

I think this can be done this way:

Create a new type of module named "*.gsp" ;-). This kind of module will be 
processed by the compiler in a special manner so that the special character 
sequences '<%'...'%>' and '<%='...'%>' will be replaced by Gambas code that 
send the HTML in the response.

The ASP syntax must be extended. A syntax should allow automatic HTML 

Then create an Apache module (how ??) that calls a persistant gambas 
interpreter to get the pages, and that manages (how ??) a Application and a 
Session object.

Or don't create an Apache module. Create instead a Gambas component that 
transforms the interpreter in a http server transparently, and that manages 
Application and Session objects.

> Gambas as a scripting engine
> How about integrating Gambas into other softwares, so they become
> scriptable? (Office suites, browsers, and any application that could
> require scripting)
> -- NelsonFerraz - 14 Aug 2003
> This is just that I want.

This is just I DON'T want, because making applications internally scriptable 
like all Microsoft things lead to the virus nightmare.

> > You must find how to keep
> > the gambas interpreter persistent, by not lauching it each time you
> > translate a page. I never studied the problem, and I don't know what you
> > programming skill are, It is hard for me to give you more details.
> Is here a class such as CInterpreter, CBasicInterpreter, CGambasParser,
> etc...?


Benoit Minisini
mailto:gambas at ...1...

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