[Gambas-devel] Activating a Welsh translation on SuSE 8.2

Kevin Donnelly kevin at ...93...
Sat Jan 3 23:42:49 CET 2004

I've done a Welsh translation of Gambas (0.80), and wanted to test it before 
submission.  So I placed it in the gambas-0.80/app/gambas/.lang dir with the 
other .po and .mo files.  I then compiled the source.  During .configure I 
got a message that internationalisation support would not be activated, but 
make and make install went OK, and I seem to have a functioning install, but 
with no language alternatives - /opt/gambas has no translation files that I 
can see.

Presumably I need to have some library installed - does anyone know what this 
should be?  (I seem to have all the obvious candidates installed.)  If not, 
what do I need to do to get the languages seen?

The Translation Howto page on the wiki also notes that I can open the Gambas 
project in the IDE, but i can find no Gambas project.  Does this mean merely 
that I should open Gambas itself, ie launch it?  

I'd be grateful for any help on what is probably a stupid error I've made 


Best wishes

Kevin Donnelly

www.kyfieithu.co.uk - Meddalwedd Rhydd yn Gymraeg

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