[Gambas-devel] New Member

RudyFehren RudyF at ...78...
Sun Sep 28 20:56:02 CEST 2003

On 27 Sep 2003 19:03:19 +0200
daniel <danielcampos at ...47...> wrote:

> rg> On Saturday 27 September 2003 09:13, Benoit Minisini wrote:
> > > Then I will put the sources in a CVS. All components will be
> > > part of the source tree, or can be distributed separately as
> > > Daniel Campos does when the component is in beta version.
> > 

> Hallo at All from Germany,
> first please excuse my bad english my name is Rudy Fehren and I was a beginner
> in the basic programming language, but I was still a person you likes linux,
> as very much. 
> Okay i have still programed little programms on the M$ BS in VBasic 6.0 and 5.0
> and I was a member of the VBACTIV Group,I like VisualBasic very much not a 
> alone the Syntax no all the IDE and so,its very easy to make nice Software with it.
> The point for me is still than  VBasic is in the future realy dead under Microsoft.
> Okay you can say it's gave VB NET but itis not the Basic Language for me.
> Okay thats my Statement, i don't want to go to the NET or SUN One, no I was looking 
> for OPEN Projekts and OPEN Source.
> That was the point for me, and that is the point than I like" Linux" as so much
> at few "puh" alonge time 
> I was looked for a Language as Basic under linux at a long Time.
> First I found KBasic but at this Time the proect stand still and it was only
> Kde (and I don't like KDE my WM is ICEWIN is nice lite and fast).
> Than I looked at HBasic ooh its still looked like my lovely VBASIC very interessting 
> Okay I put the Tarball on my (at this Time SuSE8.0) and hacked gzip and later tar
> puted ./configue , make , makeinstall and so on, BUT HBasic don't like me.
> Nothing runs okay , I looked in the configurationFiles and I was not make any mistakes.
> Puh I don't understand this,"was I a stupid GUI ?" I think (a DAU) we sayed in German to
> the stupids people on the PC.
> Okay than i go online and downloaded the newer version of the HBasic in tar.gz and
> the same probs goes on and on.
> Finaly I downloaded the rpms of the HBasic and the probs are the same.
> Than I goes to my PC and old Pentium III 933mhz with 128 mb RAM  and make a backup of my 
> System (Windows 2000, Linux8.0, BeOS 5,03) and formating than all.
> I goes and buy me at this time a SuSe 8.1 ad the Probs with HBasic are the same
> I looked at the Internet no Answers about my prob.
> I buy me an Update CD from the SuSe 8.1 and I mounted the CD and looked in there
> and what a " WONDER!!! "I FOUND GAMBAS 0.40" as an RPM Package.
> So I looked with the YAST and read Gambas was a a language  and GUI as VBasic under M$
> I Think WHOW That is it and I installed it with the YAST and its runs and runs.
> I was very HAPPY and Gambas was a ALPHA but very stable okay I read the GAMBAS DOKU
> and think that ist it that is it.
> This is the language that I still haven't found what I'm looking for (U2)
> Okay I started Gambas and play with it make a little programm (HelloWorld)
> I think the first Time wen I started with VBASIC was not so easy, Gambas is
> most better easylear you became in a short Time fine Results.
> And The PDF DOKU its GREAT puh still GREAT.
> Than I think you have the version 0.40 put a newer Version and I goes online
> and download The RPM for the SuSE  8.1 and installed it with rpm -i Gambas-043.i386
> on the shell.
> Than I typed gambas and what an error nothing goes the shell says puh I don't can say it in english 
> in german "Speicherzugriffsfehler."
> Okay I say its time to change your OS, and I installed Woody 3.0 DEb Linux but
> what an error I have probs with my Intel PC 933.
> Okay Than it goes forward i was worry I looked in my Room and I see my CD'S ,
> and I found RedHat 8.0 and i installed it.
> Than I goes online and I downloaded the new Version 0.70a bz2 and
> bunzip2 | tar | ./configure | make | make install and so on.
> What can I say GAMBAS runs and runs and in GERMAN :)).
> That was my WAY to GAMBAS and my way to REDHAT 8.0 lite (""2 CDS"") ,I dont need RedHAT 9.0 my REDHAT is stable
> you brecame all what you need to programing all gcc compilers ant so on mySQL and all Databases postgrel and > OBBC.
> All what you need
> AT the SuSE 8.1 personal there is no mysql and no compilers in c or c++
> I have not the money to by me the profeesional, I have at this time no job and I go
> to the scool to learn IT-System-Electronics and so I have only 680 € per month.
> But my perfession is to made good software in openSource and I saw a lot of Software
> than you must payed a lot of money for it and very bad Results .
> Gambas is only ALPHA but what for a ALPHA VERSION.
> I hope I can help the Gambas Project , and I hope I can bring my VBASIC Programms on
>>> Best WISHES for "ALL GAMBAS MEMBERS" from Germany
>>> Rudy
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