[Gambas-devel] Re: networking 0.0.8

Daniel Campos danielcampos at ...45...
Tue Sep 23 22:42:08 CEST 2003

Hi Scott:

 Unix sockets are special files into UNIX filesystem, so, to
test it you have to create one on your computer. This file (test.c),
acts like a unix-socket server for a single connection, compile
and run it, and it will create a unix socket called "gambas" into the
folder when it is executed.

 While "test" is working, run G1 example, select UNIX and put into
"path" textbox the path to that socket (for instance
/home/myself/gambas), after connection, you will receive a message
"hola!" each time you send any data.

Daniel Campos <danielcampos at ...45...>
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