[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2803: Desktop.SendMail method broken on the master

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Fri Dec 1 19:43:53 CET 2023


Comment #6 by Claus DIETRICH:

Yes, I read it. With your new comment I now understood the situation. Thanks.
For me it was hard to imagine that such an essential functions fails with Gambas but not with other applications like Nemo. I will dive into the xdg-portal a little more to get a better understanding. My workaround is not fully desktop agnostic and I hope, that we can resolve this issue on the long run. With the new AppImage function (which I really like!) a reliable desktop interface became even more important.
Lets keep an eye on it and
with best regards

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