[Gambas-bugtracker] Bug #2144: Picture displayed at wrong Position/ outside of its Container

bugtracker at gambaswiki.org bugtracker at gambaswiki.org
Fri Jan 14 19:32:56 CET 2022


Comment #23 by Claus DIETRICH:

I can't agree to your conclusion and my status is completely different.

1. I still have the same problem on a Mint 20.2 Mate VM with Gambas 3.16.3 machine (see attached video and watch out for the sixth start of the app).
2. The bug also persists on my native Mint 19.3 Mate PC with Gambas 3.16.3 using a different Window manager than Cinnamon.
3. On a native Mint 20.2 Cinnamon PC the bug with Gambas 3.16.3 is 100% the same as on my very first video (extreme displacement) - even when I turn off the all window effects.
4. On a Mint 20.3 Cinnamon VM I can't reproduce the bug any longer, but this doesn't mean anything since Mint Cinnamon doesn't support HW acceleration on VirtualBox any longer.

In other words - the bug shows up on 3 different PCs.

I am reading your "upstream" as "rejected". This means (at least for Mint), that I can forget Gambas if apps require precise and reliable placement of windows - i.e. desktop widget apps. Hard to digest and to communicate. 

Regards, Claus


Attachment: Bildschirmaufnahme 2022-01-14 18 09 34.mp4

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