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Re: gambas 3.20.0 on debian i386 problem

Am 02.02.25 um 00:28 schrieb gbWilly:

On Saturday, February 1st, 2025 at 04:48, Christof Thalhofer chrisml@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:chrisml@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    Am 31.01.25 um 17:23 schrieb gbWilly:


    After compiling and installing Gambas you can go to the root folder of
    the Gambas sources on your machine and there run


    to do the Gambas selftest.

Thanks for the info. Here is the result, don't believe we are getting anywhere.


Please don't post pictures of text output. Nobody can quote them.

If you have Gambas installed via Apt you can also download the Gambas sources, then there open the project


Hit 'Shift-F4' and select the 'Fast' test suite.

Hit F4 to let the tests run. Then you'll see the output in the 'Unit tests' tab.

Alles Gute

Christof Thalhofer

Dies ist keine Signatur

Re: gambas 3.20.0 on debian i386 problemgbWilly <gbWilly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: gambas 3.20.0 on debian i386 problemChristof Thalhofer <chrisml@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: gambas 3.20.0 on debian i386 problemgbWilly <gbWilly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>