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Re: gambas 3.20.0 on debian i386 problem

On Saturday, February 1st, 2025 at 04:48, Christof Thalhofer chrisml@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Am 31.01.25 um 17:23 schrieb gbWilly:


After compiling and installing Gambas you can go to the root folder of
the Gambas sources on your machine and there run


to do the Gambas selftest.

Thanks for the info. Here is the result, don't believe we are getting anywhere.


Note: Source is unpacked from tag 3.20.0 onto i386 VM with installed gambas 3.20.0. Gambas is NOT compiled and installed, but from local file repository using apt-get install gambas3.
Would that have anything to do with not finding class 'Errorhandling' or what is happening here?


Re: gambas 3.20.0 on debian i386 problemgbWilly <gbWilly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: gambas 3.20.0 on debian i386 problemChristof Thalhofer <chrisml@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: gambas 3.20.0 on debian i386 problemChristof Thalhofer <chrisml@xxxxxxxxxxx>