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Re: Improving gambas 3.19.90 recipe for debian

On Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024 at 14:48, Benoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I guess it cannot compile the 'gb.mongodb' component because the version
> of MongoDB client is too old. So 'gb.mongodb' must be disabled on Debian 11.


1. I have adapted my .install files to those that are auto-generated by 'package-config-tool' in my debian12 3.19.90 native recipe (mother recipe so to speak). And used meld to compare and we are almost at sync (most is too long descriptions, dekstop-keyring etc -> used yesterday osb recipe to compare)
2. Used my recipe build tool to make a debian11 and unbuntu20.04 native recipe (they have modifications like mongodb disabled, no qt6 and a few more for ubuntu)
3. Last night downloaded 3.19.90 master source from git, unpacked and put different recipes in there (one by one) in between doing dpkg-source -b /path/to/source. This gave me the .dsc files, I modified as example for you and even better, 3 source archives with recipe included, one for debian11, one for debian12 and one for ubuntu20.04
4. Today after work, I run a debian11 and debain12 vm, both creating packages from above created source archives. At same time on my old linux mint (ubuntu 20.04 based) I also started a build.

I can say, we have a winner when it comes to building the packages.
It went flawless. So, the packages build.

I still have to set up a repo to run some tests if they install, but build-able they are.

For debian11 the difference with debian12 recipe comes down to what I mentioned in other mails:
- disable mongodb and qt6 in rules (should be done I think, didn't check git today)
- remove all mongodb and qt6 dependencies from control file
- remove mongodb and qt6 components and dependencies from control file
- change dependency to gcc-10 [armhf], g++-10 [armhf], in control file
- change to gcc-10 and g++-10 in rules file
For ubuntu20.04 apply above debian11 changes and add these to control file:
- change dependency 'default-libmysqlclient-dev' to 'libmysqlclient-dev'
- change dependency 'libgmime-3.0-dev' to 'libgmime-2.6-dev'

I will report back,


Re: Improving gambas 3.19.90 recipe for debiangbWilly <gbWilly@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: Improving gambas 3.19.90 recipe for debianBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>