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Re: TeminalView updates

Le 30/10/2024 à 17:09, Bruce Steers a écrit :
Got some updates soon for terminal if you want them Ben.

Finish WindowCommands  , previously I only did "\e[ t" commands 1 through 10 , have now done through to 23
only 24 is not done.

It adds TerminalView.IconTitle as 22 and 23 use terminal icon title text

TerminalScreen.CursorColor , changes cursor color using OSC \e]12;color\e\\
supporting using any of color values (gambas integer) , rgb(a) , and constants (i only found one of my other terminal programs supporting cursor color and only using color words like "red")
I've used these methods..
echo -ne "\e]12;red\e\\"
echo -ne "\e]12;16711680\e\\"
echo -ne "\e]12;rgb:255,0,0,50\e\\"   , separators can be any of "/\:;,"

Show me a merge request so that I see how you implemented these windows 
commands exactly.

Benoît Minisini.

TeminalView updatesBruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>