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Re: Help how to use Highlight component in Gambas


Nobody has an idea, maybe Benoit can add more details in the documentation about how to use this component.

I’m a little disapointed because before the rebuild of the Highlight component I was able to configure my own HighLight but now not anymore.

Not the fault to have searched and tried many things, but not able to understand how it works.

Olivier Cruilles

> Le 27 juil. 2024 à 13:19, Linus <olivier.cruilles@xxxxxxxx> a écrit :
> Hello,
> Does someone could help me on how to use the Highlight component of Gambas.
> I have tried many things but not able to use it.
> I have an Editor1 object in a Form and I would like to have my personal Highlight for this Editor.
> This is what I have implemented for now that not works:
> Public Sub Form_Open()
>   Dim hTextHighlighterTheme As New TextHighlighterTheme
>   Dim hTextHighlighterStyle As New TextHighlighterStyle
>   If Not TextHighlighter.List.Exist("personal") Then 
>     TextHighlighter.Register("personal", "Personal", "manifest.highlight")
>   End If
>   If Exist(Application.Path &/ "manifest.theme") Then
>     hTextHighlighterTheme.Load(Application.Path &/ "manifest.theme")
>   End If
>   If TextHighlighter.List.Exist("personal") Then 
>     Editor1.Highlight = "personal"
>   End If
> End
> =========================================================
> File: manifest.highlight
> escape{Normal}:
>   match /\\./
> shebang{Shebang=Preprocessor}:
>   from /^#!/
> comment:
>   from /^#/
>   from /#\s/
> number:
>   match /$(NUMBER)/
>   match /$(NUMBER_HEXA)/
> string.simple{String}:
>   from ` to `
>   escape:
>     match /\\./
> string.double{String}:
>   from " to "
>   escape:
>     match /\\[$`'"\\]/
>   expansion{Expansion=Datatype}:
>     match /\$[A-Za-z0-9_]+/
>   expansion.brace{Expansion}:
>     from ${ to } with sh
>   command{Expansion}:
>     from ` to ` with sh
> string.ansi{String}:
>   from $' to '
>   escape:
>     match /\\[abeEfnrtv\\'"?]/
>     match /\\[0-7]{3}/
>     match /\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/
>     match /\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/
>     match /\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{8}/
>     match /\\c[a-zA-Z]/
> expansion{Expansion}:
>   match /\$[A-Za-z0-9_]+/
> expansion.brace{Expansion}:
>   from ${ to } with sh
>   from $[[ to ]] with sh
>   from [[ to ]] with sh
> command{Expansion}:
>   from ` to ` with sh
> keyword:
>   keyword function do else test for to in fi if elif then return exit while until done break continue select case esac expect
> operator:
>   symbol -gt -lt -ge -ne -le -eq
>   symbol { } $ # [ ] <<< . + << = >> == - ~ += ( , != * -= &= ;; ) < % & ]; @ ! ; > | ? ^ : <= /
> function{Command=Function}:
>  keyword echo read cd which rm cp mv rmdir cat grep awk tr sed sleep clear sudo su source eval export time date pwd set unset chown chmod exec alias unalias bg bind builtin caller command compgen complete compopt declare dirs disown enable fc fg getopts hash help history jobs kill let local logout mapfile popd printf pushd readarray readonly shift shopt suspend test times trap type typeset ulimit umask wait
> symbol:
>   match /[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*/
> ================================================
> File: manifest.theme
> [Gambas Highlighting Theme 1.0]
> Background="#FFFFFF"
> Normal="#000000"
> Keyword="#C08C00,Bold"
> Datatype="#E67E22,Bold"
> Function="#3398C3,Bold"
> Operator="#000000,Bold"
> Symbol="#000000"
> Number="#E62222"
> String="#7F0000"
> Comment="#888786"
> Documentation="#808080,Bold"
> Preprocessor="#C02FC0,Bold"
> Breakpoint="#FF5F5F"
> Current="#42C9FF"
> Selection="#A4D9F0"
> Highlight="#FFEB7F"
> CurrentLine="#E7F7FF"
> Error="#BF0303,Underline"
> Escape="#A01717,Bold"
> Label="#000000,Dotted"
> Constant="#E62222,Bold"
> Alternate="#FFFF7F"
> Added="#009000,Bold"
> Removed="#A00000,Bold"
> Class="#DF6B00,Bold"
> Id="#3398C3,Bold"
> Element="#000000,Bold"
> Property="#000000"
> Pseudo="#404040,Bold"
> Rule="#008040,Bold"
> Important="#E00000,Bold,Underline"
> File="#808080,Bold"
> Header="#808080"
> Position="#000000,Bold"
> Markup="#000000,Bold"
> Attribute="#3398C3,Bold"
> Value="#7F0000"
> Entity="#E67E22,Bold"
> WebMarkup="#138013,Bold"
> WebComment="#808080,Bold"
> WebArgument="#138013"
> Shebang="#1CC01C,Bold"
> Expansion="#E67E22,Bold"
> Command="#3398C3,Bold"
> AtRule="#1CC01C,Bold"
> PseudoClass="#000000,Bold"
> Tag="#000000,Bold"
> TagAttribute="#000000,Bold"
> Color="#E62222,Bold"
> Unit="#3398C3,Bold"
> Diff="#3398C3,Bold"
> Index="#000000,Bold"
> Doctype="#1CC01C,Bold"
> RegExp="#E67E22,Bold"
> Thank you
> Olivier Cruilles

Re: Help how to use Highlight component in GambasBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Help how to use Highlight component in GambasLinus <olivier.cruilles@xxxxxxxx>