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Re: Non consecutive line numbers with textEditor component

On Wed, 24 Jul 2024 at 18:58, Stéphane Aulery <lkppo@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello,
> I continue to work on my Linux clone of AstroGrep.
> In main form matched lines are displayed on bottom for the selected file.
> For the bottom area I don't know if I can use a TextEditor component or
> an other component displaying HTML/CSS.
> This somewhat special area must offer three things:
> - Line numbering (on/off)
> - A view of the matches with context (not always consecutive so the
> numbering is not either)
> - On double click, a file editor opens the file at the indicated line
> and column
> An editor area seems more appropriate to me, but I don't know if the
> numbering can be non-consecutive or at least the non-interesting lines
> can be hidden or folded.
> Is this feasible with a TextEditor component?
> PS: Screenshots are here: http://saulery.free.fr/Gambas/
> Regards,
> --
> Stéphane Aulery

Anything is possible.
I do not think the TextEditor will do this by default but you could do the
following (as i myself have done in a few projects) ......

Copy the comp/src/gb.form.editor/.src folder into your own projects folder
(but not the "test" folder)
un-select gb.form.editor from your project properties components.

Now you can examine/study/edit the TextEditor imported into your project to
your hearts content and make it do anything.
(Mine has a keystroke recorder plus many other additions)

One of the best things I find about gambas is the ability to import various
components and edit them.

It's brilliantly set up to enable people to add their own custom features
that not every one may want so stops the main program being "bloated"

If it does not do something (unusual) that you want it to it is often
fairly simple to customize your own components :)


Re: Non consecutive line numbers with textEditor componentStéphane Aulery <lkppo@xxxxxxx>
Non consecutive line numbers with textEditor componentStéphane Aulery <lkppo@xxxxxxx>