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Re: How to embed command line tools in a Gambas app for AppImages ?

Am 08.07.24 um 21:24 schrieb Benoît Minisini:
I have just tested this simple project on a Ubuntu Mint 21 VM without 'ffmpeg' installed:

Public Sub Main()

  Exec ["ffmpeg"] Wait
  Shell "ffmpeg" Wait

End Sub

I created an AppImage from it, adding 'ffmpeg' as extra-dependencies.

Then I run the resulting AppImage on the same system.

- 'Exec' runs the embedded ffmpeg as expected.
- 'Shell' fails to run the embedded ffmpeg, it does not find it.


I changed my class from Shell to Exec and indeed it worked on an OS without ffmpeg. Thanks!!!

As I am writing a Gambas-Buch chapter about AppImages and would be pleased if I could have answers to the following:

1.    Do we have to use Exec instead of Shell if we want to run resources embedded in a Gambas AppImage? I couldn't find anything in the Gambas documentation which could explain this.

2.    Should the new environment parameter in the yml recipe template remain as standard instead of optional?

3.    What about methods like System.Exist() and System.Find() ? It seems that these commands are still aiming at the host environment and not the inner AppImage resources, right?



Re: How to embed command line tools in a Gambas app for AppImages ?Benoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: How to embed command line tools in a Gambas app for AppImages ?Benoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: How to embed command line tools in a Gambas app for AppImages ?Claus Dietrich <claus.dietrich@xxxxxxxxxx>
Re: How to embed command line tools in a Gambas app for AppImages ?Benoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: How to embed command line tools in a Gambas app for AppImages ?Claus Dietrich <claus.dietrich@xxxxxxxxxx>
Re: How to embed command line tools in a Gambas app for AppImages ?Benoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>