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Re: Linux Weekly News quotes answer to Bruce's mail about Wayland

On Fri, 3 May 2024 at 17:54, Benoît Minisini <
benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Here is a screenshot for those who have no subscription to https://lwn.net
> --
> Benoît Minisini.

They are really not moving on it :(

I appreciate that my voice was heard but they really did not listen, they
just re-enforced their view that we should not position our windows.

I disagree , i WANT to position my windows !!   i think the "end user"
knows best where the end user wants a window, not the bl**dy compositor !!

but they really do not see it their issue, they direct all the
reasons/solutions to the compositor.

maybe some kind of gb.gui.compositor class could be a future thing worth
thinking about?
i wonder what possibilities could come of such a thing?, like making


Re: Linux Weekly News quotes answer to Bruce's mail about WaylandJussi Lahtinen <jussi.lahtinen@xxxxxxxxx>
Linux Weekly News quotes answer to Bruce's mail about WaylandBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>