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Re: Wayland Problems

OK dont start throwing heavy objects towards me... just yet... but since xy
positioning is very actively discouraged by wayland folks then perhaps
we're knocking on the wrong doors.

If a wayland compositor is responsible for window xy positioning and other
functionality perhaps we can send a message on all of the wayland
compositor devs to get something in each and every one of the wayland
compositors out there so that we can get back some control from wayland.

Or perhaps there's a way of writing a wayland compositor C component
specifically for Gambas. Those two are just ideas but maybe one of them (or
something else someone else might have to suggest) is feasable. What do you
guys say?

On Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 1:33 AM Bruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I think we should permanently refer to it as wayland limited
> because it's much more limited than it is wayland  ;)
> I just sent this message to the wayland developers mailing list...  (I
> doubt it will help)
> Hello
> I am a gambas basic developer and would like to report some wayland
> problems. (major issues) that we hear of on the gambas mailing list all the
> time.
> The attitude towards wayland with gambas coders at present is ,, ditch
> wayland it sucks, use x11.
> All gambas users are used to having window X and Y properties to get/set
> window position and with wayland it is not possible.
> So any custom home made widgets cannot work as expected.
> My own desktop has 3 running programs from startup that all have their own
> position set and do not work with wayland as they are borderless (no
> titlebar) or tray icons and wayland is functionally limited/restrictive.
> Other things not working with gambas in wayland but okay on X
> SystemTray icons do not work
> Form.Sticky (show window on all workspaces) does not work.
> Form.SkipTaskbar , not working.
> Like I say due to all these problems our current attitude towards wayland
> that we have to tell everyone is "get rid of wayland because of the
> limitations, many things it is lacking"
> Are there no plans to change any of this?
> Is waylands attitude towards window positioning just forget it, you are no
> longer in control.
> Because if yes then it will NEVER be the system of choice (or little
> choice as the case may be) for many of us.
> Could any wayland developers join the gambas mailing list to possibly help
> us work through some of the issues wayland introduces?
> gambas is pretty popular and by far the best UI IDE available for
> freedesktop so please help us work out some of the major problems that come
> with wayland and the wayland limited non-functionality.
> It would be nice to say "wayland is okay"  but that's not what we are
> saying at all because wayland just causes many problems. So we say "get rid
> of wayland limited and use X11" and have to explain how restricted wayland
> is for gambas.
> On Sat, 27 Apr 2024 at 05:44, Jorge Carrión <shordi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Looking to install Gambas3 version 19.1 from the Manjaro repositories, I
>> have updated the branch to unstable. Everything seems to be going well. No
>> errors. But this version uses wayland by default instead of X11. Here the
>> problems started:
>> -Wayland claims that it does not support any Stacking other than Normal
>> (This is the least of the problems. I can live with that).
>> -The main form always appears centered on the main desktop, regardless of
>> the coordinates established via code or with settings.Read(Me).
>> - A form can only be moved by dragging and dropping on the title bar.
>> With Border = False you cannot move it via code.
>> -The IgnoreTaskBar property does not work and the program always appears
>> in the TaskBar. Programs that use a tryIcon and that open other forms
>> always have two or more entries in the taskbar, one for the tryIcon form
>> and another for each one that is opened from it.
>> -The Stiky property also does not work and the form is only seen on the
>> main screen of the virtual desktop where it is executed.
>> All of this is important to me, I use a few desktop widgets of my own and
>> one or two programs that use a TryIcon.
>> I can change to X11 at Plasma Session boot... but it seems that Wayland
>> is coming inexorably and that these problems will reappear.
>> Greetings

Re: Wayland ProblemsBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Wayland ProblemsJorge Carrión <shordi@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: Wayland ProblemsBruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>