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Re: TerminalView position and text of prompt

On 4/23/24 08:25, Bruce Steers wrote:

On Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 00:41, Brian G <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    On 4/20/24 07:19, Bruce Steers wrote:
    It seems that line gets all the PS1 string

    My PS1 is this..

    between the \e]0; and the \a\] is the part that is read to set
    the title.

    The "title getting" code uses this PS1 string,
    if i change my PS1 to say '\u \w : ' then the PS1 does not have
    the \e]0; and the terminal will not fire a Title change anymore
    as it requires this syntax.

    That PS1 variable is the exact string that sData in the OutputTo
    method reads.
    So i reckon it could be considered as much as a solid standard as
    the title change is.

    It's a darn shame there is no reasonable / reliable method :(

    BruceS :)

    On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 at 06:55, Benoît Minisini
    <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

        Le 20/04/2024 à 04:58, Bruce Steers a écrit :
        > I may have found an answer already in the code...
        > it does this.....
        > If sCmd = "0" Or If sCmd = "2" Then
        > hView.Title = sTitle
        > sData at that point has the path to the left of iPos2 that
        is used to
        > set the title and it seems to have the prompt to the right
        > If sCmd = "0" Or If sCmd = "2" Then
        > hView.Title = sTitle
        >    hView.Prompt = Mid$(sData, iPos2 + 1)
        > I wish there was an easily way to remove escape sequences
        and convert it
        > to plain text
        > All i found was a sed command
        > Private Sub Prompt_Write(Value As String)
        >    Shell "echo -n '" & Value & "'| sed -r
        > \"s/\x1B\\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g\"" To $sPrompt
        > End
        > Respects
        > BruceS

        This code manages the command for setting the terminal
        emulator window
        title. It is an XTerm specific command that became implicit

        Nothing says that the window title will include the prompt.


-- Benoît Minisini.

    I am not sure if this helps, but there is a filter hook in the
    terminal that allows to monitor what is written to the terminal.
    Would it be possible to monitor that for the last output, or an expected prompt?

The problem is the prompt cannot really be "expected" to be anything as any user or script can change it with the PS1 variable.

The only way i can see to reliably get the bash prompt is to use this command..
echo ${PS1@P}

I tried using something like this...
TerminalView1.AlternateScreen = True
TerminalView1.Input(" echo ${PS1@P} > /tmp/tvresult\n")
TerminalView1.AlternateScreen = False
While Not Exist("/tmp/tvresult")
  Wait 0.1
Dim sResult as String = Trim(File.Load("/tmp/tvresult"))

it just then needs the escape sequences removed.
But it's ugly as the terminal flickers to the other screen, it'd be nice to be able to use the AlternateScreen invisibly.

currently i'm just using the same method the Title event uses.
VT100 monitors output for a string in the PS1 that has the title, but i discovered also has the prompt string. but if the user or the script changes the PS1 to a non standard format it will not work.

the echo ${PS1@P} seems the best way.


Bruce, if you monitor the keyboard input, and the output stream, if there is a key press of a displayable character to the screen, after a write of data to the terminal. you will probably acquire the prompt position/data. if you keep a history of lines written then the last write of data should be the  prompt. This is possible with the terminal currently.

~~~~ Brian

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TerminalView position and text of promptBruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: TerminalView position and text of promptGianluigi <gradobag@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: TerminalView position and text of promptBruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: TerminalView position and text of promptBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: TerminalView position and text of promptBruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: TerminalView position and text of promptBenoît Minisini <benoit.minisini@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: TerminalView position and text of promptBruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>
Re: TerminalView position and text of promptBrian G <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: TerminalView position and text of promptBruce Steers <bsteers4@xxxxxxxxx>