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[Git][gambas/gambas][stable] 30 commits: ValueBox: Fix mask for currency type.

Benoît Minisini pushed to branch stable at Gambas / gambas

2108351e by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T18:58:36+01:00
ValueBox: Fix mask for currency type.

* BUG: ValueBox: Fix mask for currency type.

- - - - -
8ea29ebe by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T18:58:51+01:00
Update 'AUTHORS' file.

* NEW: Update 'AUTHORS' file.

- - - - -
3c248699 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T18:59:00+01:00
Update 'AUTHORS' file.

* NEW: Update 'AUTHORS' file.

- - - - -
27957ca0 by Bruce Steers at 2025-02-28T18:59:20+01:00
MediaView, Setting Position before playback now works as expected
* BUG: setting MediaView.Position before playback now works as expected.

- - - - -
2e4d421b by Bruce Steers at 2025-02-28T18:59:27+01:00
Edit FMediaPlayer.class, be sure to reset StartupPos marker
* BUG: be sure to reset Startup position marker

- - - - -
9640fcb7 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T18:59:37+01:00
Make the interpreter compile with C23.

* BUG: Make the interpreter compile with C23.

- - - - -
f8a111bf by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T18:59:47+01:00
Slider: Fix overflows in internal computations. Make the slider button one pixel smaller so that it is not cropped when the control has the focus.

* BUG: Slider: Fix overflows in internal computations.
* BUG: Slider: Make the slider button one pixel smaller so that it is not cropped when the control has the focus.

- - - - -
09ed3ea0 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T18:59:56+01:00
Update '.gitlab-ci.yml': Debian sid replaced 'libpcre3' by 'libpcre2'.

- - - - -
29746020 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T19:00:08+01:00
Update Gambas icons to thin theme.

* NEW: Update Gambas icons to thin theme.

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40903b7f by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T19:00:26+01:00
Socket: Fix 'Connect()' method with no arguments.

* BUG: Socket: Fix 'Connect()' method with no arguments.
* BUG: Socket: Keep the status stocket after an internal error has been raised, so that the posted 'Error' event gets it.

- - - - -
26c99e54 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T19:00:35+01:00
DnsClient: Fix host resolution when the host has both an IP4 and IP6 address.

* BUG: DnsClient: Fix host resolution when the host has both an IP4 and IP6 address.

- - - - -
db7be0dd by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T19:00:47+01:00
If 'poll()' signals a file descriptor with POLLHUP or POLLERR, immediately remove the watch, otherwise the fd will be signaled again and again.

* BUG: If 'poll()' signals a file descriptor with POLLHUP or POLLERR, immediately remove the watch, otherwise the fd will be signaled again and again.

- - - - -
7974b7eb by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T19:00:56+01:00
Some fixes that let the JIT compiler usable from a CGI script.

* BUG: If '$PATH' is not defined, define it using the directory where the compiler was found.
* BUG: Display compiler errors better.

- - - - -
18903e25 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T19:01:04+01:00
Add some application icons.

* NEW: Redraw 'gambas-thin' gambas icon.
* NEW: Add some application icons.

- - - - -
1cbf74bd by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T19:01:19+01:00
Ensure that all pending JIT compilation is finished before forking.

* BUG: Ensure that all pending JIT compilation is finished before forking.

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8806ef84 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T19:01:37+01:00
Code editor: Fix local variable type detection.

* BUG: Code editor: Fix local variable type detection.

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ddc71196 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T19:01:55+01:00
Prevent a crash at exit if the JIT temporary directory does not exist anymore for any reason.

* BUG: Prevent a crash at exit if the JIT temporary directory does not exist anymore for any reason.

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01b45546 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T19:02:04+01:00
Display the warning message about '$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR' being not set only in debugging mode.

* NEW: Display the warning message about '$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR' being not set only in debugging mode.

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951ec391 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T19:02:12+01:00
'Mouse.State' correctly returns the 'META' key state now.

* BUG: 'Mouse.State' correctly returns the 'META' key state now.

* BUG: 'Mouse.State' correctly returns the 'META' key state now.

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fa90fa52 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T19:02:19+01:00
Correctly return fields of system tables.

* BUG: Correctly return fields of system tables.

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912806af by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T19:02:26+01:00
'Result.All()' now correctly deals with numeric fields having a NULL value.

* BUG: 'Result.All()' now correctly deals with numeric fields having a NULL value.

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ed5a4702 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-02-28T19:02:34+01:00
Splitter: Prevent possible divisions by zero while computing layout.

* BUG: Splitter: Prevent possible divisions by zero while computing layout.

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094f572e by Benoît Minisini at 2025-03-07T01:42:16+01:00
Packager fixes.

* NEW: Packager: Add support for OBS syntax in appimage ubuntu repository.
* BUG: Packager: Update AppImage defaut configuration.
* BUG: Packager: Add QT6 support packaging. Fix other support packaging.

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016099b0 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-03-07T01:42:27+01:00
Redraw 'gambas' icon in 'gambas-thin'.

* NEW: Redraw 'gambas' icon in 'gambas-thin'.

- - - - -
9accf87b by Benoît Minisini at 2025-03-07T01:43:02+01:00
Update Gambas logo icons.

* NEW: Update Gambas logo icons.

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df3cd0f9 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-03-07T01:43:12+01:00
Fix breakpoint icon in the project tree top bar.

* BUG: Fix breakpoint icon in the project tree top bar.

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72299a8a by ocruilles at 2025-03-07T01:45:22+01:00
[NEW] Added GB_HTTPD_WEBDIR environment variables to allow to select the directory of the web data

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5f2f7aa1 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-03-07T01:45:32+01:00
Pass the 'GB_JIT_DEBUG' variable to CGI scripts.

* NEW: Pass the 'GB_JIT_DEBUG' variable to CGI scripts.
* BUG: Remove a useless test in 'GB_HTTPD_HOST' environment variable management.

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b15b594c by Benoît Minisini at 2025-03-07T01:45:41+01:00
Update 'gbx3' manpage.

* NEW: Update 'gbx3' manpage.

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cef4c2fa by Benoît Minisini at 2025-03-07T01:56:27+01:00
Make the project icon points at Gambas application icon in 'gb.form.stock'.

* NEW: Make the project icon points at Gambas application icon in 'gb.form.stock'.

- - - - -

67 changed files:

- .gitlab-ci.yml
- app/src/gambas3/.app.png
- app/src/gambas3/.icon.png
- app/src/gambas3/.project
- app/src/gambas3/.src/Editor/Code/CDatatype.class
- app/src/gambas3/.src/Editor/Code/FCompletion.class
- app/src/gambas3/.src/FMain.form
- app/src/gambas3/.src/Packager/FMakeInstall.class
- app/src/gambas3/.src/Packager/FMakeInstall.form
- app/src/gambas3/.src/Packager/FSelectExtraFile.form
- app/src/gambas3/.src/Packager/Package.module
- app/src/gambas3/.src/Welcome/CWelcome.class
- app/src/gambas3/.src/Welcome/FAbout.form
- + app/src/gambas3/img/logo/gambas-16.png
- + app/src/gambas3/img/logo/gambas-256.png
- + app/src/gambas3/img/logo/gambas-32.png
- + app/src/gambas3/img/logo/gambas-64.png
- − app/src/gambas3/img/logo/gambas.png
- − app/src/gambas3/img/logo/head-16.png
- − app/src/gambas3/img/logo/head-256.png
- − app/src/gambas3/img/logo/head-32.png
- − app/src/gambas3/img/logo/logo-ide.png
- + app/src/gambas3/img/logo/logo-thin.png
- app/src/gambas3/img/logo/project.png
- comp/src/gb.form.stock/app-links
- comp/src/gb.form.stock/gambas-thin/128/gambas.png
- + comp/src/gb.form.stock/gambas-thin/app/designer.png
- comp/src/gb.form.stock/gambas-thin/app/gambas3.png
- + comp/src/gb.form.stock/gambas-thin/app/ibus.png
- comp/src/gb.form.stock/gambas-thin/app/shattered-pixel-dungeon.png
- comp/src/gb.form/.project
- comp/src/gb.form/.src/Test/FTestValueBox.class
- comp/src/gb.form/.src/ValueBox.class
- comp/src/gb.gui.base/.project
- comp/src/gb.gui.base/.src/Slider.class
- comp/src/gb.gui.base/.src/Split/Splitter.class
- + comp/src/gb.gui.base/.src/Test/FTestSlider2.class
- + comp/src/gb.gui.base/.src/Test/FTestSlider2.form
- comp/src/gb.media.form/.src/FMediaPlayer.class
- gb.db2.sqlite3/src/gb.db2.sqlite3/.app.png
- gb.db2.sqlite3/src/gb.db2.sqlite3/.component
- gb.db2.sqlite3/src/gb.db2.sqlite3/.icon.png
- gb.db2.sqlite3/src/gb.db2.sqlite3/.project
- gb.db2.sqlite3/src/gb.db2.sqlite3/.src/_DatabaseDriver_Sqlite3.class
- gb.db2.sqlite3/src/gb.db2.sqlite3/.version
- gb.gtk/src/gmouse.cpp
- gb.httpd/src/libhttpd.c
- gb.httpd/src/thttpd.c
- gb.net/src/CDnsClient.c
- gb.net/src/CSocket.c
- main/comp/gb.db2/.app.png
- main/comp/gb.db2/.icon.png
- main/comp/gb.db2/.src/Result.class
- main/comp/gb.db2/.src/Table.class
- main/gbx/gbx_archive.c
- main/gbx/gbx_archive.h
- main/gbx/gbx_c_application.c
- main/gbx/gbx_component.c
- main/gbx/gbx_event.c
- main/gbx/gbx_event.h
- main/gbx/gbx_jit.c
- main/gbx/gbx_jit.h
- main/gbx/gbx_watch.c
- main/lib/jit/gb.jit/.src/CCompilation.class
- main/lib/jit/gb.jit/.src/Jit.module
- main/man/gbx3.1

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/gambas/gambas/-/compare/07affee9fcdf261f3f0cc4f23a31e61534b4dad7...cef4c2fa868b145b172807bc1ac671644d6c81f0

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/gambas/gambas/-/compare/07affee9fcdf261f3f0cc4f23a31e61534b4dad7...cef4c2fa868b145b172807bc1ac671644d6c81f0
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