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[Git][gambas/gambas][stable] 6 commits: Fix incorrect icon references in the main form.

Benoît Minisini pushed to branch stable at Gambas / gambas

7b8ec4a0 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-01-21T16:05:32+01:00
Fix incorrect icon references in the main form.

* BUG: Fix incorrect icon references in the main form.

- - - - -
ff70131b by Benoît Minisini at 2025-01-21T16:05:42+01:00
DocumentView: Mouse wheel works again. Zooming with mouse wheel now uses the mouse position as zoom center point.

* BUG: DocumentView: Mouse wheel works again.
* NEW: DocumentView: Zooming with mouse wheel now uses the mouse position as zoom center point.
* NEW: The internal DocumentView test form now uses 'gb.poppler' instead of 'gb.pdf'.

- - - - -
e43d6a40 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-01-21T16:05:51+01:00
Update some 'gambas-thin' icons.

* NEW: Move a debugging message displayed when 'GB_STOCK_DEBUG' environmental veriable is set.
* NEW: Update some 'gambas-thin' icons.

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c5b812dd by Benoît Minisini at 2025-01-21T16:06:00+01:00
Debugger: Fix a crash occuring when clicking in a void stack backtrace list.

* BUG: Debugger: Fix a crash occuring when clicking in a void stack backtrace list.

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9583490d by Benoît Minisini at 2025-01-21T16:06:09+01:00
System information dialog: Add the value of 'Application.DarkTheme'.

* NEW: System information dialog: Add the value of 'Application.DarkTheme'.
* NEW: System information dialog: Some redesign.

- - - - -
6f6977f0 by Benoît Minisini at 2025-01-21T16:06:17+01:00
Finish dark mode.

* NEW: Finish dark mode.

- - - - -

22 changed files:

- − app/src/gambas-wiki/.public/home.png
- + app/src/gambas-wiki/.public/style-dark.css
- app/src/gambas-wiki/.public/style.css
- app/src/gambas-wiki/.public/vb.png
- app/src/gambas-wiki/.src/Wiki.webpage
- app/src/gambas3/.src/Debug/FDebugger.class
- app/src/gambas3/.src/FMain.form
- app/src/gambas3/.src/Welcome/FSystemInfo.class
- app/src/gambas3/.src/Welcome/FSystemInfo.form
- comp/src/gb.form.stock/.src/_DefaultStock.class
- comp/src/gb.form.stock/gambas-thin/128/added.png
- comp/src/gb.form.stock/gambas-thin/128/clear.png
- comp/src/gb.form.stock/gambas-thin/128/conflict.png
- comp/src/gb.form.stock/gambas-thin/128/invert.png
- comp/src/gb.form.stock/gambas-thin/128/lamp-off.png
- comp/src/gb.form.stock/gambas-thin/128/modified.png
- comp/src/gb.form.stock/gambas-thin/128/tablet.png
- comp/src/gb.form/.project
- comp/src/gb.form/.src/DocumentView/DocumentView.class
- comp/src/gb.form/.src/Stock.class
- comp/src/gb.form/.src/Test/FDocumentView.class
- comp/src/gb.form/.src/Test/FDocumentView.form

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/gambas/gambas/-/compare/5b47ecbcaa5552871ef3fd51940b05485405c4a5...6f6977f0d32b09fc6c5efaff9b8adb6219fe3b85

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/gambas/gambas/-/compare/5b47ecbcaa5552871ef3fd51940b05485405c4a5...6f6977f0d32b09fc6c5efaff9b8adb6219fe3b85
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