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[Git][gambas/gambas][master] 2 commits: [DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT]

Benoît Minisini pushed to branch master at Gambas / gambas

0d506a34 by Benoît Minisini at 2024-04-01T23:57:02+02:00
* BUG: Version control: Correctly trim the identity name and e-mail.
* NEW: Version control: Display a big label when there is no change to commit.
* NEW: Version control: Correctly update 'Change' tab when there is no change to commit.

- - - - -
d468e709 by Benoît Minisini at 2024-04-02T00:00:17+02:00
Version control: Correctly save last commit log when committing.

* BUG: Version control: Correctly save last commit log when committing.
* NEW: Version control: Better label when there is nothing to commit.

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- app/src/gambas3/.lang/fr.po
- app/src/gambas3/.src/Editor/Version/FProjectVersion.class
- app/src/gambas3/.src/Editor/Version/FProjectVersion.form
- app/src/gambas3/.src/VersionControl/CVersionControlGit.class

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/gambas/gambas/-/compare/c5546c7a5eacbd3a4650d57c65f369db75ff4280...d468e70935480fdfc607e14c4a140fb80dca76f0

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.com/gambas/gambas/-/compare/c5546c7a5eacbd3a4650d57c65f369db75ff4280...d468e70935480fdfc607e14c4a140fb80dca76f0
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