<div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr">>Lee, I subscribed to the list you mentioned but should I repeate the same thread there or what?<br>
>Charlie, thanks for your answer but it didn't exactly did what I want<br>
>I'm using Ubuntu <br>
>the code you put gave me this result: XKBLAYOUT=us,ara<br>
>what I need to get is the current keyboard layout<br>
>maybe I wasn't clear while putting my problem, so I"ll try to explain more<br>
>I want to check my current keyboard layout so if its Arabic, it would be changed to English (in >some textboxes) and vices versa.<br>
>i.e I want to use English in some textboxes and Arabic in others, and I
want that to be done >through a code to check Keyboard layout and change
it if needed or keep it if no need to change >it<br><div>
>thanks in advance to everyone trying to help <br></div><div><br></div><div>This code that need to do something else, maybe you can direct it to a key that makes you understand if the keyboard is 'ara' or 'us'.</div><div><br></div><div>Regards</div><div>Gianluigi<br></div></div></div>